We here at Earthquake Management hope that you will find our new site to be easy to use. In order to navigate, simply find the item category in which you are interested on the left or by clicking “Product Categories” in the navigation menu, and click on that category. Please contact us by phone, or e-mail and we will send you a price list right away.
Water Quality Reports
Customer Satisfaction
Our policy is your 100% satisfaction guaranteed. EARTHQUAKE MANAGEMENT must be notified within 30 days from receipt of shipment of any damages or shortages incurred.
We will make every effort to remedy any problems that may arise. Due to mandated health codes, food and water items are non-returnable. If necessary, we will substitute an item of equal or greater value when that item is unavailable from our suppliers.
Special Orders
Let us know if there are items you would like that are not in our catalog. Give us a call, we will do our best to source and deliver these items to you.
Custom Orders
Custom orders are available upon request. We provide: Silk screening with your logo, custom packed kits, custom containers, ship direct to your client, call us with your specifications today.
Prices are available in our separate price list. Prices are generally set for one year, however, due to price fluctuations from our suppliers we reserve the right to change prices without notice. Every effort has been made to eliminate errors in our catalog. In the event of an error , we reserve the right to change prices.